
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships 2011

National Taekwondo Kyorugi Championships just ended successfully.
Congratulation to the management team and participated clubs.

Aspire had sent a total number of 4 fighters,
namely Lam Yu Ying, Marcus Teh, Lam Qun He and Damien Chong.
Walking home with 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze.
Marcus fighing under Poom/Black belt category
lost in the first match.
Unfortunately, he was unable to secure any medals.
"Don't give up!"

Marcus in Hong (Red)

This is Qun He first time sparring in a tournament.
He won the first match securing himself at least a silver.
Unfortunately, he lost in the final match, bringing home a silver medal.

Qun He is Hong (Red)

Damien first sparring tournament in his Taekwondo life.
Congratulation to Damien for clinging a gold medal.

Damien in Chung (Blue)

Yu ying got a placing of third in her category.
Bronze medal as a reward for her efforts.

No matter you lose or win, there is still room for improvements.
For those who lost, learn from your mistakes and keep trying.
For those who won, stay humble and keep inspiring others.
At the same time, to aim for a higher standards and never stop learning.

Never stop trying & Never give up!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"What shall we do after grading?"

Collection of photos taken from various classes after July'2011 Grading.
Putting Poomsae, Kyorugi and Physical training aside for a day,
let's have some fun! ;)

Ronald Sir introducing the use of an agility training ladder.

Yuying guiding 5 years old Ray to ensure he is doing it in the proper way safely.

Queueing up for their turn to try on the agility ladder.
All kids will never say "NO" to games! Hahaha. :)

Aspirants at Wednesday class doing good on the agility ladder!

Daviss feeling excited when his friends won.

Ok boys and girls, it's time to get back to serious training!
Next grading will be on October, actual date and time will be announced at a later time.
To participate in the October grading, all Aspirants are to have high attendance rate.
Have a nice day! :)

Demonstration at CSG RC, Sengkang

A group photo taken with MP Mr Teo Ser Luck.
The little Aspirants had fun when they were interacting with Mr Teo.

Contributing our little part by performing for the Compassvale Southgate RC
9th Anniversary Block Party. 

Celebrating Compassvale Southgate RC 9th Anniversary on stage.
Lastly, happy meal to filled many little hungry stomach. :P

Monday, July 4, 2011

The long awaited National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships
had just ended over the last weekends.
25th June-26th June 2011.

Here are some photos taken over the past 2 days.

Briefing for the coaches and team managers before the tournament commence
to ensure smooth flow of the whole tournament system.

The tournament started off with the A division (4-6 years old),
Achyut and Jagan clinged the first few medals for Aspire.

Jagan achieving a silver medal and Achyut a bronze medal for individual event,
gold medal for team event (Achyut, Jagan and Rohith).

Clovis Lee won a bronze medal under the yellow-green category.
A boy who used to be so frightened by the crowd at grading,
managed to overcome the fear and stand in the arena with confidence.
We are so proud of you!

Pranav secured a third in placing under green belt category.
Good job! :)

Dayana and Samantha were awarded a bronze medal for their efforts.
We believe you can do better in the future. Room for improvements!

Jin Ling receiving her first medal in her taekwondo life.
James Tan and Ryan Low securing themselves a placing for yellow-green B division.
Meng Siang and his gold medal for the pair event. :)
Wilmer Ng and Yadira participated in this year tournament again,
despite winning a gold medal last year.
Keep trying, good spirit! :)
Ou Wen's effort was rewarded with a gold medal.
Jovan Chua, Jake Tan and Chuin Sheng in placing of 6th, 7th and 8th respectively.

Brenton Lew's hardwork had paid off well,
clinging down the 1st in position, a gold medal for himself.

"If you want to fulfil your dream, you must go all the way out to fight for it."Brenton is a good example for this sentence.

Last grading, he wished for a double promotion, working very hard in the 3 months
and attending training session regularly, his wish come true and received a double promotion.

Before the tournament, he aimed to bring home the gold medal.
After setting his goal, he put in extra efforts during training to ensure

he does not leave the arena with regrets. Once again, he managed to fulfil his dream.

If a 10 years old boy can dream and make it happen, so can everyone.
Go after your dream, fight for it! Aspire! :)
Mei Fang last tournament before returning to China,
she was contented and satisfied with her achievement, so are we! :D
Here are some appreciation to the helpers and parents.

Thank you for being there with us throughout the 2 days.
A big thank you to Wei Ren, Ashwani and Lucas for helping out at the tournament.
Without you guys, all Aspirants will not have a pleasant memories behind.

Parents, thank you for being supportive and cooperative.
"Let's relax and enjoy a little! Whee!"